Tuesday, April 28, 2009

時々、僕は辛党ですが、何か飲むと、月に一度しか。もっと出かけたいんですけど、ぜんぜん出かけません。時間がありませんから。今日、何か飲みたかったですから、店に行って、ビールを買いました。このごろ、本当に疲れたから、休みたいんですよ。How do you say I'm burnt out in Japanese? ちょっと長年ですよ。疲れた。。。。

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Some things never change

Takes the saying "same shit, different day" to an extreme. While I can't pronounce this Dutch? artist's name, he's by far one of the most talented artist I've seen, that's not completely full of themselves and actually has something to say, in a long time. Check out his other videos on youtube, some of them are quite amazing.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Here's to You!

All this time I thought I should be hearing words of encouragement from SOMEONE, and low and behold, it's been available to me the whole time! I'm going to buy this CD just so I can listen to it and jump up from my chair and raise my arms in the air just like this guy.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

84 stroke kanji

Holy shit. Look at this monster. For whatever reason, someone thought it would be a good idea to create this 84 stroke kanji. Supposedly it was created in the Edo period for a play, and although it's not recognized as an "official kanji", it was used at some point in history. It reads "daito" which means, well, I don't know what it means, but I'm guessing "insane". In essence, it is fairly easy to write, but it begs the question, why?

The next kanji is only a measly 79 strokes. It reads "ouichiza". It means "noisy".

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Westover Air Reserve Base Airshow 2008

So last Summer after a 4 year delay due to the war, we were able to go see the air show at Westover air reserve base near my house. Usually all i need to do is open my back door and look out and jets of all kinds scream by with a deafening sound. It ends up being quite an interesting weekend, let me tell you. They fly so close to my house you can look in and see the pilot. That's pretty damn low to the ground. It amazing to watch, but even better when you see it up close on the base. This was one of many videos I took, but due to limitations on my phone, I could only send 2 to youtube. They aren't the most exciting, but still interesting to see. My favorite video that didn't get posted involved two jets. What they do is have one jet doing some death-defying stunt, and while the audience is fixated on that spectacle, another jet comes out of nowhere, screaming by hundreds of feet off the ground. It's so loud children started crying, and if you are over the age of 80, well, good luck with that. It really scares the shit out of you. What's even more scary, is if you were their target. You'd be dead and would never have seen it coming. As a kid I wanted to join the Air Force and be a pilot, but poor eyesight can be a bitch. So every two years this is the closest I can get to that experience, and man is it awsome.


Monday, April 13, 2009

さあ。。。僕は現代小説の訳を訳せますから、気が立ちますよ。私達小説を訳す時、いつもぜったいに適訳を書かなくちゃいけませんけど、今さら、自分の訳を書けますよ。(A loose, or not so confining translation...日本語の言葉をわかりません。)面白いでしょう。藤沢周平は、時雨のあとを書いたので有名です。藤沢も秘密という物語をかきました。秘密を訳すつもりです。すごいね。明日は始めるべきだと思う。。。


Tuesday, April 7, 2009



Hand of God!?

Red represents low-energy X-rays, the medium range is green, and the most energetic ones are colored blue. The blue hand-like structure was created by energy emanating from the nebula around they dying star PSR B1509-58. The red areas are from a neighboring gas cloud called RCW 89. Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO/P.Slane, et al.

Thought this was pretty cool. Could it be? No, but an interesting photo none-the-less.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

今日は何か考えました。日本語を話せるというのに、ぜんぜん悪い言葉が知りません。あの。。。誰か悪い言葉を教えてください! 本当です。www 言葉が知れば、コメントを置いてください!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Found this at Engrish.com.I don't know what's worse, this engrish, or the fact that some unlucky Japanese person caught some foreigner "joking in the bathroom".

Thursday, April 2, 2009

今日がすごい天気でした! とうとう春になったね。好きな時候は秋と春だと思います。春になった時、暖かくなれば暖かいほど,ぼくが気持ちよくなります。



Wednesday, April 1, 2009

僕はまことに日本語を勉強するのが大好きですが、日本語を書きながら、”日本語の人格”を使わないのが 一番問題である。(もちろん、ほかの問題はぜったいに文法だと思います。)英語を書く時、自分の考えるをつたえることは本当にやさしいです。日本語で自分の考えるをつたえることができるのがほしいです。いつも日本語を勉強している、ところが、なぜかまだ上手にならないんですけど。どうよい文を埋め合わせするか分かりません。だから、もっと練習すれば、上手になるかもしらないと思います。そういうわけで僕がこのブログを書くべきでしょうね。(もちろん、いい成績を取るために、書かなきゃいけないんですが。忘れない、先生!)www

